Tiredness, low energy levels and exhaustion are one of the biggest issues I see in my clinic at the moment. There are many things that can help you combat this debilitating feeling, that can make you feel like you are treading water instead of actually living. But for now I am going to explain some simple foods you can eat that will help naturally raise your energy levels. Chances are if you are tired and exhausted you are nutrient deficient and/or toxic, so the way to heal is bombard your cells with goodness and have a gentle detox at the same time. You can help shift things quickly by cutting out processed foods, sugar, alcohol and dairy as these are all very acidic and will create disharmony in the body if you are feeling out of sorts.

Generally, the body works hard to maintain its pH balance, and eating more alkaline-promoting foods can support that effort and help regain your energy. A body is far less likely to have disease present if its alkaline. Please include plenty of Leafy Greens such as spinach and kale, as they are high in minerals like magnesium and calcium, which help make your body more alkaline. Cruciferous Vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower, help the body to remove toxins. Having water with fresh lemon or lime is in another factor to help bring your energy back especially if you have poor digestion. Eat cucumbers and watermelon, because they are highly hydrating. Eat avocados, as they are rich in healthy fats, and good fats are essential for health. A lot of people worry about having too much fat, especially if you are dieting, but if you are eating clean, basically a diet full of fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans and legumes, then you seriously dont need to worry about weight gain. All you need to worry about is what you are going to do with your new found energy! Tomatoes, are an acidic food that becomes alkaline once it metabolizes, are rich in vitamins and antioxidants, such as lycopene. Sweet potatoes are rich in antioxidants and fibre, and they help maintain an alkaline environment in the body. Beet are not only alkalising, but also help with detoxification due to their high content of betalains and fibre. Almonds are one of the most alkalising nuts, containing healthy fats, proteins, and minerals that support the body's pH balance. Herbs and Spices such as ginger, turmeric and Cilantro all have anti-inflammatory and alkalising properties. Green tea is packed with antioxidants, that help with detoxification and supports an alkaline environment in the body. This is a great place to start, but if you check out my Instagram you can see more info on this - Denisekellynutrition or visit my website - www.denisekellywellness.com