Stronger, More Flexible, Pain-Free Readers

... tips and exercises from our Award Winning Physio

My name is Natalie March from Physio-logical, a chartered physiotherapist in PO8 and PO9.

We hope you found our exercises to keep you active at home in our last article useful.

Currently, we are offering face to face appointments for urgent patients, all patients will be screened first and symptoms discussed to determine whether face to face or an online appointment will be best for them.

Our video or telephone consultation service continues for all new and existing patients. The feedback has been great so far ‘it is like the physio is in the room with me’. So, if you are suffering with any niggle, ache or pain that is keeping you awake at night, limiting what you can get done around your house or in your garden then please book a call with us, we can help you today.

We been asked by a lot of people recently local to our private physiotherapy clinics in Havant, Rowlands Castle and Horndean, ‘what are the exercises I should be doing six weeks after my hip replacement’.

In this article we will be offering some advice and exercises you can do if you are 6 weeks post a total hip replacement or if you are still struggling with your hip since you had it replaced.

Patients we been talking to have been given exercises to do but limited guidance about how and when to progress them and how many to do.

We talk with every patient to discuss goals, what they want to be able to achieve, then we provide a full assessment looking at movement, strength, balance, we also look to see if there are any areas of muscle tension/tightness.

Here is a testimonial from one of our patients:

‘I had a severe back and hip issue that prevented me from walking and at one point I was in a wheelchair as the symptoms were so severe. Thankfully, I visited Natalie at Physio-logical and after just two treatments was up and about and walking – I cannot recommend Natalie enough and would absolutely recommend her. Thanks Natalie’, Mrs. D

Here are some exercises to do if you are now six weeks post a total hip replacement (THR).
Please be aware of your body and take advice from your local health care professional before exercising or send an email to ( for advice and guidance. When exercising, do not push into sharp pain.
Hip Exercises - from 6 weeks post THR

Side Step Ups

  • Standing with your operated leg on a step
  • Step up and down keeping your operated leg on the step
  • Push down through you heel and squeeze your buttocks when you push up
  • Repeat ten times twice a day


  • Keeping your knees in line with your second toes
  • Do a mini squat down
  • Hold for five seconds, repeat ten times twice a day


Hip Abduction (side lying)

  • Lying on your side with your back against the wall and you operated leg on top
  • Slide your heel up the wall, lifting your leg up
  • Do not let your leg some forwards or cross in front of your other leg when coming down
  • Hold for five seconds, repeat ten times, twice a day

Hip Extension (lying on your front)

  • Lying on your front
  • Squeeze your buttocks and lift your operated leg up
  • Hold for five seconds, repeat ten times, twice a day

For more tips and guidance please visit

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