
These possible life saving devices are appearing at strategic community locations in ever greater quantities.

Some supermarkets and community assembly areas already have them available in emergency, and others are considering installing them.

Postcode Publications will be buying and installing defibrillators in Men’s Sheds and at The Stride community centre.

Please let us know of any other important community area that you know of where a device is unavailable within 8mins, and we will try to help.

We plan to draw and publish a map indicating where these devices are available, as we have been unable to find one on the internet that is kept up to date - but we can only do this with your help.

Remember, either you or a loved one may rely on a nearby device to help in the event of sudden cardiac arrest before arrival of professional medical services, and it is incumbent upon active members of the public to familiarise themselves with how to deploy the devices - we will publish more on this in later editions.

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