Father’s Story Week

Woodcroft Primary School, Waterlooville were pleased to see so many relatives come in to read with their children in Father's Story Week.

Thank you to all the dads, uncles or grandads who came to Woodcroft Primary School, Waterlooville to read with their child. It was great to see so many people attend.

This was the first time we have organised such an event and we were amazed by the response. Research tells us that the more time we spend reading with our children the better they will do at school.

We all lead such busy and hectic lifestyles, but if we can set aside time to read with children then both adults and children can benefit. The Fatherhood Institue’s 'Father’s story week' encouraging dads to read with their children.

The website: http://www.fatherhoodinstitute.org/tag/fathersstory- week/ has information, resources and short video clips of people including celebrities reading stories.

We aim to involve parents in more reading projects over the coming year at Woodcroft Primary. In the meantime... keep reading with your children!

Tracey Williams
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