Havant Neighbourhood Watch Association

Havant Neighbourhood Watch has changed over the last year due to police area re-organisation.

Rowlands Castle village/parish now comes under Petersfield Police and its Neighbourhood Watch.

Havant Neighbourhood Watch retains Emsworth, Hayling Island, Havant, Bedhampton, Leigh Park and West Leigh. Instead of the old `Ring Round’ system of passing on crime information and which was reliant on volunteers and having up-to-date information from the police, Hampshire ALERT is now available to all residents on email. This had made a great deal of difference to Neighbourhood Watch and how it communicates. Quarterly meetings are held for West Leigh NW coordinators and their residents at Havant & Waterlooville Football Club, Martin Road, Havant PO9 5TH. We will be looking further into having similar meetings in our other areas to involve coordinators and local residents. Please visit our website or email for information, details below.

The current committee is working to identify defunct schemes in its area and also taking enquiries from anyone interested in setting up a new scheme. Potential scheme coordinators have to be policechecked. Once this is cleared, leaflets are delivered to residents in the new road. Those responding as interested in joining the scheme are invited to a set-up meeting attended by a police officer or PCSO and our designated committee member to receive further information, in particular about Hampshire ALERT. Once the scheme is established NW road signs can be purchased and erected at each end of the road once local council permission is agreed.

If you would like further information please email: Havantneighbourhoodwatch@hotmail.co m particularly if you are interested in Hampshire ALERT.

Also, take a look at our website which has been updated this year and has many interesting links to information about police, Crimestoppers, police surveys and newsletters, Havant Neighbourhood Watch Committee progress, etc.

Sally Beard - Chairman, Havant Neighbourhood Watch Association

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