Beating the poverty crunch...

Following success of the outstanding Munch Community Project held at Park Community School last year, Postcode Publications have funded it for 2018.

This will include providing two course meals free of charge to children who are entitled to free school meals at local schools.

Meals will be provided over the five day February Half Term, the ten days over the Eater holidays, the five days over the Easter half term and the thirty days Summer holiday.

Since the start of the Munch project in Easter 2017, Park Community School served 1,988 meals to children from 34 schools!

Munch sets out to see that no child, irrespective of school or age goes hungry during the holidays. The service also provides some structure through those times, and gives children a safe environment to come to. Children or parents are invited to come along - even Granddads and Grandmas are welcome!

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