Spirit-of-the-South, ladies harmony chorus

Spirit-of-the-South, a Hampshire based ladies harmony chorus, enjoyed entertaining the ladies of the Hollybourne WI ( also known as the Hollybourne Honeybees.) It was a very busy evening, and they made us welcome, even to the point of putting us in the spotlight, quite literally. Nice though it was, we had to request that the lights be lowered so that we could actually see our new MD, Josie-Kelly Hiscott.

Before singing songs from our repertoire, Gillian Rose-Smith explained  how four part harmony comes together, by starting a warm-up song called Gee It's Good To See Ya. One by one the tenor, lead, bass and baritone sections are brought in, and they blend. All clever stuff. Songs that are frequently requested are from the shows. Hallelujah, from Les Miserables, Can you feel the love, from The Lion King and anything by Elvis is always a hit.

As this year is the 100th Anniversary of the Suffragettes, we included two songs by way of celebration. Rise Up Women, sung to the tune of John Browns Body, and The Women's Battle Song, sung to the tune of Onward Christian Soldiers, led by Joy Lloyd. Everyone joined in and sang with great gusto. As always, it was a pleasure to share our wonderful hobby with others.

We rehearse every Tuesday evening at Havant Methodist Church, Havant, Hants, from 7-30 until 10pm.

We also have an Open Evening on the First Tuesday of every month from 7-30 until 9pm - Sandra Strawn, PR for Spirit-of-the-South.

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