Ukrainian superstar bringing people together through art

Maryna is an artist who studied drawing and fine art as part of her degree in fashion design. Back in April 2023, Maryna joined the Creatful team as a volunteer. Fast forward to today, and in little over a year, Maryna's impact has been truly inspiring.

It quickly became apparent that Maryna possessed both the skill-set and mindset to really make waves. It was for this reason that after only a few months of joining Creatful who’s Founding Director Nancy Fellows passed ownership of Creatful's Ukrainian Art Group to Maryna. Today Maryna runs Creatful's Ukrainian art programmes in both Havant and Petersfield.

The programme, consisting of weekly art groups - which are primarily attended by children - offer the Ukrainian community an opportunity to come together and reap the benefits that social creativity can have on well-being. Parents of the children are welcomed at the groups and often use the opportunity to pursue their own artistic projects. A key part of Creatful's Ukrainian Arts Programme is about helping attendees feel relaxed and providing an opportunity to feel close to their culture. By teaching in Ukrainian and covering the history of Ukrainian art, Maryna is helping to doing exactly that.

We cannot wait to bring Maryna to some more of our events, so watch this space!

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