Waterlooville Men’s Shed (WMS) 10 Years young

“Am off up the Shed for a couple of hours”

“OK I’ll bring a cup of coffee up later” was the reply.

“No, sorry I meant the Waterlooville Men’s Shed.  We’ve got tea, coffee and kettle facilities already there and a microwave too.  I haven’t seen a couple of the Shedders for a while and it will be nice to just have a chat and catch up over a cuppa. I’ll take that bird table up with me to finish it off too.”

What is a Men’s Shed? Men’s Sheds encourage people to come together to make, repair, repurpose and support projects in their local communities. Connection, conversation and creation – that’s what joining a Men’s Shed is all about. Improving wellbeing, reducing loneliness and combating social isolation.

Men’s Sheds are similar to garden sheds – a place to pursue practical interests at leisure. The difference is that garden sheds and their activities are often solitary in nature while Men’s Sheds are the opposite. They are about social connections and friendship building, sharing skills and knowledge and of course a lot of laughter. The movement originated in Australia around the 1980s as a way to improve the health and wellbeing of older men. In 2023 there over 900 Men’s Sheds open in the UK and an additional 150 or were being planned. That is around 1,300 or Shedders, as we are called.

Waterlooville Men’s Shed was started in 2013, moving into the old sports pavilion as a more permanent building on the Padnell recreation ground in April 2014. The derelict building was completely renovated, by the members themselves and has gone from strength to strength with now well over forty members undertaking a variety of projects and tasks. The WMS gained charity status in 2017 and undertakes a variety of community projects for individuals, organisations and institutions in the local area. 2024 celebrates ten years since its’ founding and the facilities have continued to expand with a large variety of tools and equipment available for members to use now on either their own projects or the range of community tasks the members take on. WMS also provides a social programme throughout the year with a monthly BBQ, a twice a year event with a speaker on a popular subject with a locally obtained supper and also a members and families Christmas lunch.  To celebrate WMS’s tenth birthday this year, we intend to hold a BBQ birthday party for members and their families. For the past ten years WMS has continued with its community ethos and we look forward to the next ten years of providing a place for our local menfolk to come and enjoy friendship and perhaps learn new woodwork or craft skills. A monthly newsletter is published keeping members abreast of news and events of the WMS. If you are interested in becoming a member of WMS, www.waterloovillemensshed.org.uk will contain all information you require.

Dave Allport MBE, WMS Secretary
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