As well as running regular classes in a variety of craft forms, Making Space has a busy outreach programme, providing subsidised activities in the community, and in its home to a number of professional makers who have their own studios on site. Making Space aim to make crafting available to everyone. Here’s what is coming up at Making Space.
Craft Community and Craft Club
This year sees the return of our popular craft workshops. Craft Community is our monthly workshop for adults where participants work on craft projects and learn new skills. This runs on the last Wednesday (10-12 noon) and Thursday (7-9pm) of the month and costs £10. A great way to start making and learn new crafts. Craft Club is our workshop for crafty kids aged 7-14. A fantastic way to explore kids’ creativity and meet new friends. Time to let kids' imaginations run wild. This will run on a Monday 4 – 5.30pm and will cost £10. Come and get crafty with us.
Welland Trust
Making Space has received a grant from the Welland Trust and will be offering bursaries for craft courses for care experienced people. These bursaries will allow people to learn how to make jewellery, create ceramics or try their hand at silver clay. A great initiative to help people experience the benefits of crafting.
Making Space is a craft organisation based in Leigh Park, Havant with impact across the UK. We literally make space for people and organisations to get involved in craft whether physically in our own building or digitally in our virtual networks and events.
Raising the profile of craft in all its forms, we work with local and national arts organisations, contributing to debate, supporting makers and providing creative opportunities.
Through our outreach projects we work with partners including schools, children’s centres, family learning environments and retirement homes.
Our specially tailored projects inspire, challenge skill-up, engage and build new audiences for the sector. We enable people to develop new ways of thinking about the craft and experience first-hand the important presence of craft in everyday life.
Visit our website makingspace.org to find out about all our events, activities and opportunities, or contact Bethany Wood, Communications Coordinator at bethanyw@makingspace.org