Waterlooville Bowling Club

Junior Success

After just nine months of regular coaching, Isaac one of our new juniors, has been chosen, and has now played, his first county game for Hampshire with a 33 - 8 win on his debut. He looks very smart in his Hampshire polo shirt.

One of our young girls is also about to undertake a trial for Hampshire as a junior, so good luck to her on behalf of Waterlooville Bowling Club.

We would like to congratulate Isaac on his achievements to date.

If you are aged 7-18 why not come along and join the Waterlooville Bowling club Juniors on a Sunday morning (coaching is free).

It all happens in Waterlooville!

Glorious weather greeted our many volunteers and guests for the 'Get up and Go' event at the Waterlooville Bowling Club. We have been working closely with Havant Borough Council to promote their 'Get up and Go' initiative which encourages people of all ages and abilities to try out new activities.  It was also Big Bowls Weekend,  nationwide initiative from Bowls England to get more people introduced to lawn bowls. Over thirty people turned up to have a go, so with sixteen volunteers the club was buzzing.

It really was a fun day and the feedback from the guests was nothing but positive, so much so that twenty-two people have now signed up for the five week 'Introduction to Bowls Course'!

The banter and cheers (when our guests got close to the jack) was a joy to hear out on the rinks but behind the scenes,  a very special thanks must go to Doreen, a social member,  who miraculously put together fifty ploughman’s lunches which were enjoyed by all in the clubhouse!

A great day which everyone enjoyed.

Check us out on Face Book  - Waterlooville Bowling club or see our website: waterloovillebowling.club

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