Local Wildlife and how to save it

Many people interested in the wildlife living around Emsworth and Westbourne attended a free talk on preserving local endangered species.

The event by local environmental group Greening Westbourne covered the many rare animals in the area, what they need to survive, and how everyone can help them.

Community wildlife officer Sarah Hughes, from Chichester District Council, talked about the local ‘wildlife corridor’ – a strip of valuable habitat. It links the South Downs National Park with Chichester Harbour and is a vital area in which animals can move around, find food, breed and thrive.

One important way local people can help wildlife is to report sightings on the iRecord website. If there’s evidence that an area is home to important species, it has a better chance of being protected. This the aim of the Westbourne Wildlife Watch campaign, which Greening Westbourne have been running since April 2019. If you’re interested in becoming involved (at any level) please contact us at greeningwestbourne@hotmail.co.uk

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