The Choir is working hard on new repertoire for upcoming concerts.
The first concert will be on Thursday 20th March at 7.00pm and is a joint concert with the Choir of Bosmere Junior School.
The concert promises to be an evening of great fun. Bosmere School have a reputation for happy songs with wonderful harmonies. The children sing with great enthusiasm and joy. This will be a free concert with a retiring collection. The proceeds wll be divided between two charities. Bosmere have chosen UK Harvest as their charity and SMVC have chosen Prostate Cancer UK.
SMVC have introduced some new material to their repertoire. Their MD, Huw Thomas, has made some wonderful arrangements especially for the male voices of popular songs, including a Gary Barlow song made popular by Take That.
In July the Solent Male Voice Choir have been invited to sing at the Stansted Summer Festival. They will be singing three sets during the day around the Festival site.
The Solent Male Voice Choir meets each Tuesday at 7.15pm in The Pallant Centre in Havant. Any man interested in finding out more about the Choir is welcome to come along any Tuesday to sit and listen and maybe join in.