The Spring

‘PYGMALION’ By George Bernard Shaw

Thursday 4 – Friday 5 July and Wednesday 10 - Saturday 13 July at 7.30, with matinees on Saturday 6 and Saturday 13 July at 2.30.

Shaw’s Eliza Doolittle, from London’s impoverished streets, has aspirations. After an accidental encounter with Professor Henry Higgins, Eliza approaches him for speech lessons to improve her prospects. During this life-changing adventure, Eliza learns difficult and often embarrassing lessons that cause her to question Higgins’ preconceived ideas about social class and education.

With a strong cast of fine actors the Bench Theatre invites you to enjoy Shaw’s wonderful sense of character, his keen ear for dialogue and his sparkling wit in this explosive satire. with an unexpected poignancy as this very funny play reaches its conclusion.

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