Small Is Beautiful

This also applies to ladies harmony choruses, like Spirit-of-the-South. The advantage of a small chorus, 24 members, is that we are able to socialise together, get to know each other better, and form strong bonds. All part of the fun.

According to Dr Cassandra Sheppard in her article " The Neuroscience of Singing" scientists have been trying for over a decade to explain why singing has such a calming, yet energising effect on people. Come and put this theory to the test.

We rehearse every Tuesday evening, at Havant Methodist Church, Havant, Hants, PO9 2HU. from 7-30 until 10pm.

Our OPEN EVENINGS ARE ON THE  FIRST TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 7-30 until 9pm. Call 023 9264 1997 or 023 9245 1220. Follow us on Facebook.

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